
White Paper

Automotive In-Cabin Face Recognition and Anti-Spoofing AI using 3D Time of Flight Camera

May 19, 2022

MulticoreWare and Melexis have jointly worked on a new face understanding algorithm with modules such as face detection & recognition, drowsiness/distraction detection, and anti-spoofing detection. Check out our whitepaper focussing on the findings from implementing custom neural networks on the Melexis ToF sensor.

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May 11 2022

Part-1 Why should companies develop for the cloud?

We are delighted to release our 3 part series White Paper on Machine Learning & Cloud. Part 1 titled – Why should companies develop for the cloud? focuses upon the aspects of cloud computing, scalability, security practices, ML on the cloud, etc.

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May 11 2022

Part-3 Why ML on the Cloud?

We are delighted to release our 3 part series White Paper on Machine Learning & Cloud. Part 1 titled – Why should companies develop for the cloud? focuses upon the aspects of cloud computing, scalability, security practices, ML on the cloud, etc.

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May 11 2022 Part-2 Running ML Applications on the Cloud vs Edge

Part-2 Running ML Applications on the Cloud vs Edge

We are delighted to release our 3 part series White Paper on Machine Learning & Cloud. Part 1 titled – Why should companies develop for the cloud? focuses upon the aspects of cloud computing, scalability, security practices, ML on the cloud, etc.

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